Recent content by niamul21

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  1. L

    Tesla M3 fan running wild

    I've been having a strange issue with my 2002 M3. Six times now, the car's fan has started running at full blast, just like it does when supercharging. The problem is, it doesn't stop. After a while, the car seems to go into a low-power mode, accelerating slowly and losing regenerative braking...
  2. C

    Help me identify this rear brakes sound

    Hello everyone! I have heard an incredibly awful noise from the rear brakes, like a metal scrapping while backing into the driveway (to plug in the car). I suspected it was because of a rock or debris lodged between the inside surface of the brake rotor and the metallic dust shield. But nothing...
  3. C

    Winter chains for Tesla 3

    Winter is coming, guys! Where do you buy the chains for the car from? I wonder if I have to buy them from Tesla...

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