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    Clunking noise in cold weather on Model 3

    If I were you, I would have it lifted to thoroughly check the front suspension components.
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    Automatic Headlights Not Working on Model 3

    Just turn on the high-beams!
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    Minor scratches on the rear window

    He needs to use a dedicated glass polishing compound and a polishing pad. I used a rotary polisher with CarPro Ceriglass and a rayon pad to remove scratches from my other car's window in about 20 minutes.
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    Tesla’s dead after Airbags went off

    If Tesla doesn't provide timely assistance, consider consulting an independent EV mechanic. They may have previous experience with complex repair issues.
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    Automatic Headlights Not Working on Model 3

    Go to Settings > Lights > Headlights and select the "Auto" option

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